Zoome Casino > Arvostelu ja kokemuksia (2024)
Dear Mohamed,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We understand that the casino experience can be filled with ups and downs, and luck certainly plays a significant role in the outcome of games. It's important to acknowledge the unpredictability of results and the inherent element of chance associated with gambling.
While we're sorry to hear about any frustrations you may have experienced, we want to emphasize that our casino operates on principles of fairness and transparency. Wins and losses are part of the dynamic nature of gambling, and individual outcomes can vary. It's worth noting that our goal is to provide a fun and enjoyable environment for our players. While big wins are possible, they are not guaranteed, and we encourage players to approach gambling with a sense of entertainment rather than solely focusing on financial outcomes.
As part of the diverse gaming experience we offer, trying different games or exploring various strategies can enhance your enjoyment and potentially lead to different outcomes. Our platform provides a wide range of games to cater to different preferences, and we hope you'll find options that bring you the excitement you're looking for.
We appreciate your feedback and value your perspective. If you have any specific concerns or questions about your gaming experience, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to assist you and ensure that you have a positive and enjoyable time on our platform.
Kind regards,
Your Zoome Team
Tämä takaa pelien ja niiden tarjoajien reiluuden ja oikeudenmukaisuuden. Myös Zoome Casino on asianmukaisesti RNG-sertifioitu, mikä puhuu kuuluvaan ääneen sen luotettavuuden puolesta. Tämän lisäksi operaattori on huolehtinut erinomaisesti asiakkaidensa yksityisyydensuojasta ja tarjoaa runsaasti hyödyllistä tietoa ja tukea vastuulliseen pelaamiseen. Kaiken kaikkiaan tarjolla on hyvin luotu kokonaisuus, jonka turvastandardit ovat kohdillaan.
Dear Kamila,
We are extremely happy that you liked our casino! We are constantly improving, so there are no doubts you are going to have a great time here :)
Good luck!
Kind regards,
Your Zoome team
Listen to Zoom on Spotify. Song · LilCJ Kasino · 2019.
Pikakasino Bonukset - Bonukset ovat tärkeä osa kasinokokemusta, ja ne voivat tarjota huomattavaa lisäarvoa pelaajille. Pikakasino bonukset vaihtelevat tervetuliaisbonuksista ilmaiskierroksiin ja cashback-tarjouksiin.
Asiakaspalvelulla on todella tärkeä rooli nettikasinon toiminnan kannalta, joten varmistimme, että kaikki pelittää niin kuin pitääkin. Paljoakaan parantamisen varaa emme täältä löytäneet, sillä Zoome Casino on hoitanut asiakastuen erinomaisesti. Jos eteen tulee minkäänlainen ongelma esimerkiksi tallettamisen tai kotiuttamisen suhteen, pelaaja saa tukeen yhteyden milloin tahansa. Toisin sanoen asiakaspalvelijat ovat tavoitettavissa 24/7.
Kerroimme jo aiemmin, että mikään Zoome Casino -huijaus ei ole kyseessä, vaan tarjolla on täysin luotettava ja rehellinen operaattori. Tämän takaa muun muassa sivustolta löytyvä tunnettu Antillephone N.V. -lisenssi. Nettikasinot, joilta tämä kyseinen lisenssi löytyy, toimivat Curaçaon peliviranomaisten valvonnan ja säätelyn alaisina.
Kun mieleen juolahtaa jokin kysymys, kannattaa ihan ensin kurkistaa Zoome Casinon verkkosivujen alalaidasta löytyvään UKK-osioon. Sieltä löydät vastauksia moniin yleisiin kysymyksiin, joita sivustolla pelaaminen herättää. UKK-osion kautta saatat löytää vastauksen omaan ongelmaasi todella sukkelasti, jolloin asiakaspalvelua ei tarvitse edes vaivata. Ja jos näin ei käy, tuki odottaa heti chat-kuvakkeen takana.
Stream Zoom by Lil CJ Kasino | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Dear David.
We appreciate the time you have spent on our website and are deeply frustrated with the negative experience you have gone through.
You made several payments, and for the first few, you were informed about the incorrect filling of the BSB, which was provided to us by the payment provider. As a result, transactions were rejected by the bank.
The last payment, at the time you contacted the support service, was approved by the company and was being processed by your bank.
On our side, the filling was correct, and we informed you about it.
Since there was a delay in processing on the side of the bank, after a while it became known that the bank rejected this payment and returned the funds to the account balance.
You were interested in a crypto withdrawal, and we confirmed that we could withdraw using this payment method.
We also informed you that in order to withdraw using the payment method that has not been used on our website before, a minimum deposit is required.
We genuinely ask you to understand, that the variety and accessibility of payment methods are not managed by the casino exclusively. Several factors, such as the Licensing Authority, geolocation, and contracts with the payment providers, and bank restrictions, each have a major influence.
Indeed, sometimes transactions are rejected by banks, even if the payment is successful on another website using these details. For our part, we were ready to provide all the necessary assistance and withdraw your funds, but after the transaction was rejected, you used them in the game.
We also checked on your requests with the support service. The timing for each reply in chat after your question did not exceed 5 minutes. Information provided by customer support was accurate and aimed to help you solve the issue.
We're sorry for the negative experience you've had on our website, but we're dedicated to enhancing your future interactions.
BPM and key for Zoom by Lil Cj Kasino | Tempo for Zoom | SongBPM
Pelaamaan päästään suoraan oman mobiiliselaimen kautta, eli mikään Zoome Casino -app ei ole vaatimuksena, eikä sellaista ole tällä kertaa edes tarjolla. Kasinon verkkosivut on optimoitu skaalautumaan erinomaisesti sekä älypuhelimille että tableteille, ja ne myös tukevat kaikkia perinteisiä käyttöliittymiä, kuten iOS, Android ja Windows.
Zoom is a song by Lil Cj Kasino with a tempo of 136 BPM
They are THIEFS!!! Do not play in this Casino!!! I opened two profiles and I played with both. I lost all the money (more than 300 AUD) in one, made more than 1,08x AUD in the other. They did not approve any withdrawals until I verified my account. I provided all the documents they asked for. They rejected my Divers Licence saying it was in a white background. So I photographed it with another background. They wanted a selfie with my ID. Wanted a pic of my bank card, covering a few numbers. Proof of address etc. I provided everything. Then all of a sudden I could not log in and my balance of $1,08x disappeared. I contacted their Customer Service and was told I violated their Terms & Conditions. I sent them an e-mail saying I am taking them to Court and report them to the Police if I do not get all my money back. I do not have my hopes up.