They're not building any casinos.

Bernie Lootzilla on aina huono onni, ja vaikka hän miten yrittää, hän ei voita koskaan. Kasinon johtaja Shelly Kaplow on palkannut hänet "cooleriksi", epäonniseksi henkilöksi, jonka sanotaan levittävän huonoa onnea muille lähistöllä oleville pelaajille. Kun eräs pelaaja kasinolla alkaa voittaa liikaa, Bernie lähetetään paikalle jäähdyttämään pelaajan hyvää tuuria.

As the player development manager and Player’s Club manager for Seminole Casino Hollywood, team member Bernie Gamboa is responsible for developing and maintaining positive and healthy relationships with the casino’s VIP players, creating events and managing the casino host staff. In a nutshell, Bernie is the superman of casino hosting.

In 1989, as he approached retirement he began lobbying Iowa to pass riverboat gambling. His boat the M/V Diamond Lady was the first legal riverboat casino in modern times when it sailed from Bettendorf on April 1, 1991. The President, a gambling boat owned by , opened 30 minutes later in Davenport.

Who were barred from casinos up and down the east coast.

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bernie for almost three years at the Seminole Classic Casino under PD and promotions/special events. He is a great mentor and has taught me a lot in analyzing promotional data. For a few months he was running the Marketing department as interim marketing director, player club manager, player development manager simultaneously. He is welcoming, knowledgeable and knows how to execute his creative ideas. He seems to always know what to do in any given situation and handles his work confidently and professionally. His hard work and strong drive inspires me.”

Living… in Las Vegas, but he’s desperately looking to leave. Shelly, the old-school boss of the Shangri-La casino, has got Bernie here as long as he likes. At least he's got Bernie covered in this town. People, they know Bernie works for Shelly. That's as good as currency here. That's respect when he walks the floor. You don’t get that anywhere else. At least, Bernie doesn’t get that anywhere else.

Yeah, it's last minute, but jerry got a great deal on a suite at one of the casinos, and a bunch of the old gang is coming in from new york, and god, it's been forever since i have been,

Tästä ylhäältä löytyvä jättiläismäisen kokoinen kaikki nettikasinot -lista päivittyy viikoittain - tai käytännössä jopa päivittäin, sillä täytämme tuoreita ja kiinnostavia pelisivustoja taulukkoon ikiliikkujamaiseen, eli jatkuvaan ja kiivaaseen, alati kiihtyvään tahtiin. Samalla sitten myös muokkaamme casino-listassa näkyviä bonus-tietoja ajantasaisiksi aina sitä mukaa, kun niihin jonkin sortin muutoksia tai mitä hyvänsä muita mahdollisia uudistuksia suinkin vain sattuu tulemaan.

The guy on the bike, the bomber, owed money to the casinos.

(William H. Macy) works at a Las Vegas casino, where he uses his innate ability to bring about misfortune in those around him to jinx gamblers into losing. His imposing boss, Shelly Kaplow (Alec Baldwin), is happy with the arrangement. But Bernie finds unexpected happiness when he begins dating attractive waitress Natalie Belisario (Maria Bello).